Code of Conduct
The CW Coating code of conduct is a set of protocols followed by all members of the CW Coating team.
Safety Comes First
- Posted rules of safety and conduct on a job site must be adhered to at all times.
- Our workers are required to complete a site and safety orientation before working on each job site. Our employees are required to read, understand, sign and comply with CW Coating’s safety protocol and have a written copy of this protocol on the job site.
- Approved hard hats and footwear must be worn on construction job sites. Soft soled, no scuff shoes are required to be worn when working inside a project site.
- If anyone sees, smell or hear something that appears unsafe, he is required to immediately report it to the site supervisor.
Respect the Customer and Their Property
- No smoking inside or outside of any project site at any time. Cigarette butts and gum must be disposed of in an appropriate garbage receptacle.
- No food or drink (other than water) inside any home or building including garages and basements. Our employees may take their break and eat their lunch in a designated area that will be determined by the site supervisor.
- Drop cloths and other protective measures must be used at all times.
- Report any trade damage immediately to the team leader.
- Our employees must clean up all materials and supplies at the end of each day.
- No music or radios allowed on any job sites where homeowners, residents or tenants are living or working. On construction job sites, music levels must be kept at low enough levels as not to disturb other trades and to be able to hear the emergency horn.
Take Pride in Your Work and Your Profession
- Work cleanly and maintain a clean and tidy work area
- CW Coating issued shirts and clean painter pants must be worn. Our workers must be presentable and clean when they come to a job site.
- Our employees must be on time every day, prepared for all weather conditions and ready to work.
- Our employees are professional, proficient and polite, at all times. No swearing, yelling or other inappropriate conduct.